Re-Locate project

Re-Locate project aims to address the historical fact of compulsory population exchanges in the Balkan region, which took place between two world wars, changing borders and possibilities to create newer bonds through artistic dialogue. The shared history within the chosen regions; Plovdiv-Bulgaria, Athens-Greece, Skopje-Macedonia and Prishtina-Kosovo, provides a basis to establish a mutual platform to research both about common history and develop a cultural understanding on various levels.

Re-Locate project endeavors to establish a cultural network on contemporary arts and series of art events to facilitate awareness in the mentioned region
Taking place in 4 destinations, workshops will encourage participant artists to develop works through their artistic researches, encounters with the visited areas, as well as supporting the networking among the region.
The project is composed of 2 parts;1st part is the workshop period, which is an experimental studio work with artists from various backgrounds (selected by Apartment Project) in interaction with the local artists, writers and curators.
2nd part is the residency period. Apartment Project will host 4 artists from each of the partner organizations for a residency period of one month in Istanbul.
After the workshop and the residency, Re-locate project will be concluded with an exhibition in Istanbul. A catalogue composed of the artists’ works; their interactions and the documentation of the process will be published and introduced in conjunction with the exhibition.

Mehmet Dere
Ha za vu zu >> Güneş Terkol &Özgür Erkök
Suat Öğüt
Zeyno Pekünlü
Ilgın Seymen
Gökçe Süvari
Assistant: Zeynep Beler
Documentation & Back stage: Selda Asal

ha za vu zu & saz arkadaslari / performance/ pristhina / 2011 from apartment project istanbul on Vimeo.
